poster design, information design, writing & research

visual audit of social spaces —

A poster visualizing an analysis of social spaces. It investigates what can define a space as social, categorizes spaces, and approaches understanding each space in a broad context.

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project details —

This audit of social spaces uses a criteria for analysis developed to investigate commonalities and attributes which contribute to defining a space as social. Each image represents a space and is paired with a description, and information about spatial goals, social interactions which activate the space, users, and important objects found within each space. The descriptions are short, looking only to highlight important social details. Each social space is considered in a broad context, refraining from honing in on intricacies of particular locations.

The left side of the poster organizes textual information reading top-down, the order needed to best understand the project. The right side organizes the analyzed social spaces. Each social space is paired with iconography that shows similarities and differences amongst the group. The background sets part of the project title with interacting (social) type—a bit of fun, why not?